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In China? Quick Google mirror setup using NGINX!

The Great Firewall of China restricts you from using Google. But you can easily setup your own Google bypass if you have some skills and.. NGINX!


Setup Google mirror

yum install
yum install nginx-module-google

This installs stable NGINX and the key component of the solution – Google mirror module, as well its dependency – the substitutions module.

Then in your nginx.conf, load the modules at the top of the file:

load_module modules/;
load_module modules/;

Now create a configuration for a domain or IP address, and in the server {} section put

server {
    location / {
        google on;

Reload or restart NGINX, and viola! You have your own Google search at Wasn’t that easy? 🙂

For additional configuration directives of the Google mirror module (e.g. changing the language), refer to its documentation.

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