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Monitoring PHP-FPM in Bitnami stacks using NGINX Amplify

If you are a user of Bitnami stack for LEMP or LAMP, you might want to set up PHP-FPM monitoring.

Such monitoring allows you to have a nice overview of your PHP-FPM-based stack, to see how your system behaved and how much it was loaded over periods of time, through a set of graphs.

Despite the name, the free NGINX Amplify service is not only for NGINX users.

Whether you use NGINX with a LEMP stack, or Apache in a LAMP Bitnami stack, you can use the NGINX Amplify service for monitoring your PHP-FPM workloads.

Here are a few quick steps that need to be done to set up such monitoring

Set up the agent

This is pretty straightforward. Once you register at, you are provided with a set of commands to set up the agent on your machine.

E.g. you usually do the following with the proper API_KEY:

cd /tmp
curl -L -O
sudo usermod -a -G daemon nginx
service amplify-agent restart

Set up permissions

The Amplify agent is by default set to run with the nginx user. But Bitnami creates PHP-FPM socket files with the daemon user. We can establish readability from one to another by adding nginx user as member of the daemon group:

sudo usermod -a -G daemon nginx

This allowed the Amplify agent to read data from PHP-FPM socket files.

Set up PHP-FPM status

PHP-FPM has the internal status feature, which Amplify agent relies on, in order to gather statistical data.

To enable it for all pools, you may want to run:

nano /opt/bitnami/apps/*/conf/php-fpm/pool.conf

Then paste in:

ping.path = /ping
ping.response = pong

Restart Amplify agent and PHP-FPM

Now our configuration is almost complete and we want to apply it by restarting PHP-FPM and Amplify agent:

/opt/bitnami/ restart php-fpm
systemctl restart amplify-agent


Check PHP-FPM status feature

To check whether you have configured PHP-FPM correctly and PHP-FPM status is working, you may want to install cgi-fcgi program and run:

sudo -u nginx SCRIPT_NAME=/status SCRIPT_FILENAME=/status QUERY_STRING= REQUEST_METHOD=GET cgi-fcgi -bind -connect /opt/bitnami/php/var/run/maynardsfineart.sock

Finally, your NGINX Amplify is set up and you are ready for monitoring and setting up alerts in its dashboard

PHP-FPM monitoring
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