
RPM Repository FAQ

You will likely find an answer to your question here.

Why Subscribe to GetPageSpeed?

Efficiency and Cost-Effectiveness

Subscribing to the GetPageSpeed repository offers significant time and cost savings. Instead of spending hours manually compiling software and risking errors, you can rely on our production-grade packages, expertly built for optimal performance and security.

Superior NGINX/Varnish Packages

Our NGINX and Varnish packages are designed with a focus on high performance and robust security. While NGINX-Plus might be the industry standard, we take it a step further. The GetPageSpeed repository provides an enterprise-grade NGINX build with over 50 modules, enabling you to deploy a top-tier, high-performance web server within minutes.

Cost-Effective Enterprise Solutions

For those serious about running production-level websites, our subscription offers an unmatched value. At a fraction of the cost of NGINX-Plus (which exceeds $2,500), the GetPageSpeed repository gives you access to a wealth of packages designed to enhance your CentOS/RHEL systems.

Comprehensive Package Offering

The value of a GetPageSpeed subscription extends beyond NGINX modules. With your subscription, you gain access to a broad array of packages, all crafted to support a fast, secure server environment:

  • Varnish and its modules
  • Security packages
  • Desktop OS packages
  • Kernel modules
  • CLI utilities

Consistency and Reliability

Consistency and Reliability
Every package in our repository is carefully maintained to ensure consistency, stability, and readiness for production use. We prioritize keeping all packages up-to-date and reliable, ensuring that your systems run smoothly.

Ready to enhance your server environment with GetPageSpeed?

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What is NGINX-Plus anyway? And why do you say GetPageSpeed is better?

NGINX-Plus is a feature-rich build of NGINX and its modules which come as a package repository.
The GetPageSpeed repository is a better NGINX-Plus alternative because it costs a lot less and provides more features.

Which Linux distributions are supported by GetPageSpeed repository?

All major RPM-based distributions are supported.

Which architectures are supported by GetPageSpeed repository?

We support both x86_64 (amd64) and aarch64 (arm64) systems.

I use AWS Graviton, which is ARM system. Is it compatible?

Yes, ARM systems are supported, including Graviton processors. Furthermore, Amazon Linux is one of our many supported distributions.

Are there modules for the NGINX mainline?

Of course. Make sure you have the extra repo enabled before installing them:

sudo yum -y install yum-utils
sudo yum-config-manager --enable getpagespeed-extras-mainline

Then install modules as usual, e.g.:

sudo yum -y install nginx-module-security

Switching from mainline to stable NGINX branch

The mainline branch of NGINX has far more frequent updates than the stable one.
For this or other reasons, you may want to downgrade to the stable branch.

sudo yum-config-manager --disable getpagespeed-extras-mainline
sudo yum -y downgrade "nginx*"

Do I need the nginx.org repository on my system?

No. You do not need to have the RPM repository from nginx.org/packages.
The GetPageSpeed repository includes both NGINX and dynamic modules for it.

If you had nginx from nginx.org, you don’t have to uninstall it or do anything special about it.

If you want to benefit from SELinux fixes (e.g. 1) available in the nginx package by GetPageSpeed, simply reinstall it.
This would replace the package you had from nginx.org with ours. No configuration will be lost:

yum reinstall nginx

I have already installed NGINX from the EPEL repository. How to migrate?

Simply run yum upgrade once the subscription is activated. All of your NGINX configurations stay intact and work fine with GetPageSpeed-supplied packages.

We are in AWS and do not have a static IP. How can we subscribe?

For a single EC2 instance without load balancing setup, simply allocate an Elastic IP and specify it while signing up here.

For load-balanced setups, see next question.

Can I use the GetPageSpeed repository in a load-balanced environment on AWS or Azure?

Yes, the GetPageSpeed repository is supported in load-balanced setups on both AWS and Azure. However, because our repository access requires authentication from a single static public IP address, you’ll need to configure your environment accordingly.

For AWS (Amazon Web Services):

  • Set Up a NAT Gateway: Create a NAT Gateway in your VPC and associate it with an Elastic IP address.
  • Update Route Tables: Configure your private subnets (where your EC2 instances reside) to route outbound internet traffic through the NAT Gateway.

As a result, all EC2 instances will share the same outbound public IP address (the Elastic IP), ensuring compliance with the repository’s access requirements. Subscribe that single outbound public IP address to GetPageSpeed subscription

For Azure:

  • Use an Azure NAT Gateway:
  • Create a NAT Gateway: In your Azure Virtual Network.
  • Associate a Public IP Address: Attach a static public IP to the NAT Gateway.
  • Configure Subnets: Update your subnet settings to route outbound traffic through the NAT Gateway.

As a result, all virtual machines will use the same static public IP for outbound internet access. Subscribe that single outbound public IP address to GetPageSpeed subscription.

I have changed my server. How to associate the new IP?

If more than 3 months passed since your subscription has been set up initially, you can bind it to the new server’s IP address using a simple API call. On the new server, run:

curl 'https://www.getpagespeed.com/new-server-hello.php?subscr_id=XXXXXX'

Replace XXXXXX with your subscription ID (e.g. from PayPal).

Likewise, you can change the associated IP later again if at least 3 months have passed from the prior IP change.

If you want to change IP earlier than 3 months minimum, cancel your current subscription and set up a new one.

I don’t see my NGINX module in your packages

You can submit NGINX modules for continuous build in our system here.
The modules are rebuilt with every module and NGINX release, within 24 hrs.

Metadata GPG verification?

Our repository signs both RPM packages and repository metadata with our GPG signature. So you know you’re getting genuine builds.

By default, yum will only check signatures on packages themselves. You can also instruct it to check the signature of the repository’s metadata. To do this, run:

sed -i 's@repo_gpgcheck=.*@repo_gpgcheck=1@' /etc/yum.repos.d/getpagespeed-extras.repo

Worth noting that in RHEL 8+, dnf config-manager grew smart enough to handle wildcards so it’s cleaner to use:

dnf config-manager --setopt repo_gpgcheck=1 "getpagespeed-*" --save

GPG signatures used are as follows:

Oracle Linux, AlmaLinux, and Rocky Linux are supported?

Yes, all RHEL derivative operating systems like Oracle Linux, AlmaLinux, and Rocky Linux are fully supported by the GetPageSpeed RPM repository.

RHEL: No package epel-release available

RHEL (unlike CentOS), does not have the required EPEL repository configuration in the base repositories. So it must be installed prior to installing the GetPageSpeed release package, as such:

RHEL=$(rpm -E %{rhel})
sudo yum install -y https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-$RHEL.noarch.rpm
sudo yum-config-manager --enable epel
sudo yum -y install https://extras.getpagespeed.com/release-latest.rpm

Amazon Linux support?

We support all major versions of Amazon Linux. Prior to installing the GetPageSpeed release package, run:

amazon-linux-extras install epel

Control panels and third-party repositories compatibility

In general, the GetPageSpeed repository has perfect compatibility with the base OS repositories, as well as the EPEL repository.
The GetPageSpeed repository is likewise perfect for building your own web stack without a control panel.

Beware of the following known compatibility issues with control panels:

  • cPanel is not compatible with NGINX Extras
  • cPanel is not compatible with clearmage2 due to not providing PHP capability in their PHP packages (ridiculous packaging from cPanel)
  • DirectAdmin is very much disgusting, and not compatible with NGINX extras

I am a non-profit organization/student who needs things for free

You may want to read about the free RPM repository usage.
Note that only a limited set of packages is available free of charge. NGINX module packages are not free.

“Cannot open: … Skipping.” when installing release package

When running installation of the GetPageSpeed release package, you might get these errors:

Cannot open: https://extras.getpagespeed.com/release-latest.rpm. Skipping.
Error: Nothing to do

This only means that your system’s clock is incorrect. It must be well synchronized and have a proper time set, in order to verify the SSL certificate.
Fix your system by enabling NTP synchronization.

What is the difference between CentOS 7 and Amazon Linux 2 NGINX packages?

The NGINX packages for Amazon Linux 2 are built against OpenSSL 1.1.1, thus TLS 1.3 is supported out of the box.

NGINX on CentOS 7 can support TLS 1.3 as well by installing the NGINX-MOD package.

Upgrading from NGINX-QUIC to standard NGINX or NGINX-MOD

At some point, we have provided our users with a dedicated build of NGINX packages with the QUIC support.
Those packages, along with the corresponding sub-repository are now obsolete, because all our NGINX builds are QUIC-enabled, and you can use our standard package to enable HTTP/3 in your NGINX.

For users who have previously relied to NGINX-QUIC repository, few steps are required to make the switch:

  • Disable the dedicated QUIC repository: yum upgrade getpagespeed-extras-release; rm -rf /etc/yum.repos.d/getpagespeed-extras-nginx-quic.repo
  • Downgrade to stable NGINX: yum downgrade nginx. If this doesn’t work, list installed modules via yum list installed | grep nginx, look up corresponding package numbers in the stable repoviews, then re-install them by specifying exact package numbers, e.g. yum install nginx-1.26.0 nginx-module-brotli-1.26.0+0.1.4 …

Once you’re on stable NGINX again, you may want to consider the switch to NGINX-MOD.

If you have another question, we are happy to receive your email and assist.